I started to write this update a month ago...and here I am still trying to load 9 mos pictures and we're up to 10 mos already. But for all you Brandt fans...here's a couple months worth of reasons to celebrate! He continues to thrive--he's added a full range of foods to his diet and twirls his hands to ask for more with huge "mmmmms" for his favorites. Between 8 and 9 months, he went back to sleeping through the night on a regular basis-yay me-and still shows amazing energy during the day. We knew he was supposed to have a higher energy level after the Glenn surgery, and that has certainly proven to be the case.
He also started sitting up all by himself at about 8 and 1/2 months...still not really trying to crawl yet, but every time I start to get concerned about his progress, I think how mind-boggling it is that his little chest has been completely opened 3 times and he still has come this far.
I would like to ask you to remember a couple of Brandt's heart friends in prayer, as you continue to pray for him and his healing. First baby Mason had his bi-directional Glenn in February, and is working hard to try to come home from MUSC. After some infection complications and a surgery for a trach, he's finally feeling better, but I know his family is ready to come home. We also received word that baby Xavier, who was born while Brandt was at MUSC in December, had passed away Feb 25. He fought long and hard in his battle with HLHS, and I know his mama Ashley would appreciate your thoughts and prayers through her grief. Baby Patterson is home, but still needing around the clock care with the huge amount of equipment helping him fight his fight. And baby Olivia is slowly improving from a very difficult round of lung disease, still in intensive care at MUSC...since before we first went in December for Brandt's second surgery. My heart is full of care and concern for these amazing families...they have all been a blessing in different ways, with different battles. Certainly the list goes on, but these needs come to mind, and thank you, as you can, for thinking of these little ones who have been touched by heart disease and all it entails.