Well the last couple weeks with Brandt have been very challenging as he's struggled with head congestion and had more than normal reflux episodes. Plus he seemed sleepier than normal and lack his normal good appetite, so I was really glad we had a scheduled cardiologist appt and echocardiogram on the 9th. He hadn't gained much weight--10lb 14oz-- but everything continues stable...no additional valve leakage, no narrowing of his aortic arch, strong function for the shunt and right side of his heart. Glenn and I both will meet with Dr. Raunikar the beginning of October for an overview of the heart catheterization and second surgery, the Glenn procedure.
We also went back to Charleston on Tuesday Sept 14 for Brandt's first high risk follow-up clinic. Basically a doctor examined him to determine if the open heart surgery and recovery have caused developmental delays. From here on we will attend these clinics locally, but they recommended this first one be done at MUSC where they have been following him and monitoring his condition so closely until the second surgery. The doctor's main concern is possible lack of muscle tone...they have recommended a second analysis by a physical therapist. She felt his torso muscles were weak and his fists too tightly clenched as when babies are first born. But Glenn and I both felt that a 10-minute exam after a four hour car trip isn't really an accurate reflection of his true "muscle tone" and aren't concerned. Of course they also want him to gain more weight. Even though he weighed in at 11lbs 1oz for the first time, he is hovering barely at the 5th%. The doctor also mentioned seeing a nutritionist, which is something to consider.
While I'm sure physical therapy can't hurt, neither the cardiologist here nor the pediatrician have noticed significant delays, and they see him much more often. So a lot of driving, but we are thankful they want to see him grow and develop as strong as possible...and we got to see some of our friends on 7C, meet another heart mom I had e-mailed but not met in person previously, and catch up with Melissa our dear friend with Cross Bridge Ministries. Her little guy Mason just got to move to 7C! The surgeon's assistants were also available and it was great to visit with them and show off our sweet Brandt. Time well-spent!
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