Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Brandt!

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Brandt!
Busy as can Be--2 Years Old!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Burpinator

Brandt has had a good week -- 6 weeks postsurgery as of Tuesday!! Feeding him continues to present many challenges. About the time we think we've figured out when he will or will not projectile vomit, he completely reverses the pattern. Hence the nickname from Glenn, The Burpinator. After being doused in spit several times, Glenn just started tying a blanket around his neck when he's holding him. Hey, if it works . . .

I continue to marvel at how well he's doing, especially as we follow more heart babies we come in contact with. No matter the challenges he's facing, or my temptation to be frustrated that we have such a long road ahead of us, every bit of seeing a living breathing miracle in front of me as I spend time with him reminds me of God's grace. And I hear this from many of the families going through difficult recovery times, and even with heart-rending tenderness from grieving families whose little ones have gone on to be with the Lord. Last night, Brandt had a horrible episode--probably one of the worst since we've come home--where he threw up through his nose and stopped breathing. We've learned to sit him up quickly and make sure his nose passages clear, but when he turns that awful blue color it scares me so badly. And reminds me that none of us know how long our lives here on earth may last . . . and the importance of how we spend that time . . . and the joy of one day meeting our Savior face to face. I cannot imagine life without this dear little one already, but praise God for a daily reminder of His goodness and greatness, no matter the joys or sorrows of that daily life!


  1. I wish we had thought to just tie a towel around us with Raegan. That would have helped a lot. I know the spit-up through the nose is scary. On a rare occasion Raegan will still do that. She did that often during her first 3 months and she learned to start breathing again. Those 1st few times were definitely scary. I can only imagine how it would have made me feel had she been going through all the other stuff that Brandt is having to go through. Your family is such a wonderful godly example for Jody and I. Thank you for that.

  2. Thanks for the update! Love the pic!

  3. I've had those scary vomiting episodes with Logan before when he was an infant. I always carried a nasal aspirator with me for when that would happen so I could get him all cleared out. I feel for you. We also tried to make sure that we kept Logan upright for at least a half hour after a feeding. Sometimes longer. It did help some but just like you said once you think you have it figured out they change the game on you.

    Saying lots of prayers for things to get better.

  4. Dear Lindy and Glenn,
    It was so good to read about how well Brandt is doing. We just passed our one year anniversary without Em and it is great to hear how the Lord is blessing. This time is hard with all the uncertainties, but enjoy every day you have been blessed with. Even the vomiting will be remembered with a smile a few years down the road. KNow that lots of our church people are keeping you all in their prayers as well. Love, Becca Gilliam
